The June 2nd Time magazine ran a cover story titled The truth about vaccines. With the subtitle Worried about autism, many parents are opting out of immunizations. How they’re putting the rest of us at risk. Just a month earlier I read another article in a medical journal titled, Most Mumps Cases Occurred in Immunized Young Adults. This last article quoted CDC researchers as indicating that the outbreak was due in part to incomplete vaccine-induced immunity to the wild virus. If you have been watching some of the news shows on TV the controversy over whether or not to immunized is becoming more prevalent. Twenty years ago when my wife and I decided to limit how many immunizations our kids would receive we were considered radical and belonged to a very small group of people who opted out of the mass vaccination mentality. The current publicity that immunizations are receiving is good in that it will hopefully, cause the scientific and medical community to scrutinize, re-evaluate and maybe come up with a more rational and effective way to protect our children without causing harm.