(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Is Holistic Medicine More Effective AND Less Expensive?

Is Holistic Medicine More Effective AND Less Expensive?

Alternative Medicine Study Overview| Holistic Medicine

A recent study sponsored by the government of Ireland concluded that alternative and complementary therapies not only offered significant health benefits for patients, but also saved the government-run health care system a significant amount of money.

Patients involved in the study were referred by their local doctors typically when conventional treatments proved ineffective. The patients suffered from a wide range of conditions including, but not limited to arthritis, back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalitis (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, headaches and migraines, chest infections, high blood pressure, obesity, and psoriasis.

The study produced numerous positive findings. Over 80% of the patients reported lessening of their symptoms and improvement of overall physical health. In addition, more than 67% of patients reported noticeable improvement in their general wellbeing, and 55% of patients reduced their use of painkillers. Furthermore, the majority of patients reported relief from chronic conditions, reduction in pain, improved mobility and energy, increased emotional stability and a reduction in the amount they worried about their condition. Reports included many heart-warming statements like, ‘I feel alive again, instead of being dead’ and ‘I now have hope’.

A particularly interesting facet of the study was the comparison of different holistic therapeutic modalities to determine which were most effective. The therapies included in the comparison were acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy, reflexology, aromatherapy and massage. Patients who received homeopathic treatment had the greatest improvement (79%), followed by acupuncture (77%) and chiropractic or osteopathy (56%).


When I began practicing homeopathy 36 years ago, I was greatly impressed with the manner in which a single remedy could heal the whole person physically, mentally and emotionally. However, as the above study demonstrated, homeopathy was only effective in about 80% of patients. Consequently, I began studying acupuncture because I wanted to help the remaining 20%. Together, homeopathy and acupuncture work on a very deep level to effectively stimulate the healing of acute and chronic disease. After combining these two therapies, I found that I was able to help nearly 90-95% of patients improve or resolve their conditions.

Due to the substantial cost-saving benefits of holistic medicine, it is a wonder that the government and insurance companies do not cover these services. In 2020, the U.S. spent over $4.1 trillion on healthcare. This calculates to about $12,530 per person. Based on firsthand experience treating patients, I estimate that if every U.S. citizen participated in holistic healthcare, the savings would easily yield $1 – $2 trillion dollars each year.

If you are ready to take a holistic approach to your health and improve your quality of life, Renaissance Health Centre is here to help. Please call us at 702-258-7860 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced and compassionate practitioners today.

Terry Pfau DO HMD   

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