(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

infertility rates

Infertility Treatment – a Naturopathic Approach

Infertility is on the rise and it affects both women and men. This article will focus on female infertility, however men should be aware these concepts also apply to male infertility.

What Causes Infertility? 

The two leading causes of infertility are hormonal imbalance and poor egg quality. Hormonal imbalance can lead to thinner uterine lining, irregular periods, or problems with ovulation. Poor egg quality occurs when the eggs don’t mature properly, aren’t able to be fertilized or don’t implant properly. Each step of the pathway needs to be functional to lead to pregnancy.

Naturopathic Treatments for Infertility 

The first step is to analyze the lifestyle factors affecting your fertility. Lifestyle factors such as poor nutrition, poor sleep and high stress lead to inflammation and oxidation. This affects hormone production and egg development leading to infertility. Addressing these areas will reduce inflammation and promote healthy hormone balance and egg production.

The next step is to analyze overall health and hormone levels with advanced testing. We map out hormone pathways, track the levels of menstrual cycle hormones, analyze nutrient deficiencies, and measure inflammation. Once we know where the problem lies, we support the body with nutrition, herbs and supplements targeted to treat your specific needs. The goal for treatment is to achieve good uterine lining and egg quality which can be seen with healthy ovulation and menstrual cycle.

It is possible to treat infertility with natural methods. Whether you’ve already tried conventional infertility treatment, or you want to start with natural treatment, we can figure out your imbalances and treat them to promote fertility, conception and a healthy pregnancy.

For a deeper understanding of your specific infertility situation or if you’re interested in preconception planning, call the office today to schedule an appointment.

Hazel Gois ND, APH

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