(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV


How to Avoid Traveler’s Toll

Traveling by air has a tendency to weaken one’s immune system and make us more vulnerable to getting sick. Ayurvedic medicine, which is a 2000 year old system of medicine, offers some good practical tips that will keep you from getting sick.

When flying one is exposed to dry cold air. To counteract this drink plenty of warm, non-caffeinated beverages. Make up a thermos bottle of gingerroot tea( 1 teaspoon grated ginger per pint of hot water) to take with you on the plane. On the morning and evening you travel, apply almond or sesame massage oil to your skin. Eat less while traveling, seeking out warm soups rather than salads and sandwiches.

When you arrive at your destination, as soon as possible take a warm bath. Drink warm liquids and try immediately to align with the rhythm of your destination city. To help with sleep try taking a high dose of melatonin (10-20mg) the first night and decrease the dosage subsequent nights as you sleep normalizes.

Terry Pfau DO HMD

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