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swimmers ear

Homeopathy at Home: Swimmer’s Ear

Otitis externa, or “swimmer’s ear,” is a typical summer issue in both children and adults due to prolonged moisture exposure from swimming or bathing. This leads to bacterial or fungal growth in the outer ear canal. It can also be caused by inserting foreign objects like cotton swabs or due to underlying skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis. Symptoms include itching, redness, discomfort, pain, and discharge.

Homeopathy offers safe and effective remedies for treating otitis externa:

Pulsatilla is a versatile remedy that’s suitable for both children and adults. It’s particularly effective for mild infections with yellow or green discharge in clingy, tearful children, making it an excellent option for the whole family. Chamomilla: Ideal for ear pain causing irritability and inconsolability, especially at night. Hepar sulphuris: For sharp, splinter-like pain with sensitivity to touch and cold air. Belladonna: For sudden ear pain with redness and fever, particularly in hot, restlessness. Suitable for restless children and adults with a flushed face. Kali muriaticum: For a sensation of fullness or popping in the ear, often with white mucus discharge. Mercurius solubilis: For infections with foul-smelling discharge.

Topical treatment with 50/50 Alcohol/Vinegar Solution is a popular home remedy for both children and adults. Mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and white vinegar, and place 2-3 drops in the affected ear 2-3 times daily. Avoid use if the eardrum is perforated.

Begin with 30C potency for most remedies, adjusting based on improvement. Use 6X potency for Kali muriaticum. Continuously monitor the symptoms and seek professional help if symptoms persist.

Terry Pfau DO, HMD

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