“Mumps outbreak continue to swell across the Midwest…infecting… primarily college students in Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, and Nebraska.” ABC News, April 7th, 2006
“Peebles Rugby Club has been struck down by a mumps epidemic…and all games are off this weekend.” Peebleshire News (U.K.) January 2007
As these headlines demonstrate the cases of mumps has jumped dramatically this past year by more than 20 fold from 265 cases to over 6,000 cases. Because this is a viral infection allopathic medicine has little to offer. Homeopathy, on the other hand has much to offer. Dorothy Shepherd, MD (1871-1952) relates her experience with homeopathic treatment of mumps.
“Early in my career while working in a homeopathic hospital I found homeopathy ineffective in treating mumps.” Years later, she came across a booklet by James Compton Burnett stating that “Pilocarpine in one of the lower potencies was a specific for mumps.” “Burnett was so positive about the benefit of Pilocarpine in mumps that I felt it was worth while to experiment with it in the next case I might see.
“…A boy arrived shortly afterwards at the children’s clinic. He had a temperature of 102.8, bilateral swellings of the parotid gland, which was tender to touch and with pain on opening the mouth. Pilocarpine 6, night and morning was prescribed , and the mother was told to bring him back in 3 days. When she turned up, she remarked that the boy had mumps. Without thinking, I retorted sharply, ‘who said so? There is no swelling at all.’ I was somewhat taken aback when she triumphantly answered, ‘You did yourself on Monday afternoon.’ Then I remembered the little boy and to my surprise all signs of mumps had disappeared in 3 days- a thing I had never known to happen before. After that, Pilocarpine 6 became the routine treatment in mumps of which we experienced quite an extensive epidemic that year. And Pilocarpine 6 did not disappoint me except in one case in which Mercurius was used.”
Terry Pfau, DO HMD