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Las Vegas, NV

Trust Your Intuition


Not too long ago I was reviewing lab results with a patient with stage III colon cancer whose oncologist was pushing her to start chemotherapy as soon as possible. As we went through her results I noticed all seven of her inflammatory markers were very high. I explained that we needed to get these markers down before she started chemo as studies have shown that if she were to proceed she would very likely experience more adverse side effects, develop drug resistance, and have an overall poorer prognosis due to an increased risk of progression of her cancer.

I recommended that we first treat her for at least 2-3 weeks to lower these inflammatory markers before starting chemotherapy. The thought of going against the urgent advice of her oncologist and postponing chemo even for this brief period triggered a great deal of anxiety and confusion. Not wanting to add to her stress level I suggested that she take a couple days to consider my recommendations and use her intuition in determining what was best for her body.   

Intuition should  play a part in all our major decisions, not only related to our health but to all other aspects of our life.

Intuition is often referred to as a sixth sense, instincts, gut feelings, and inspiration. In our hectic, daily lives we often are not in touch with this sixth sense and often will make decision either based on our emotions or what we believe to be our ‘rational’ thoughts.

How can we develop and maintain our ability to be intuitive? Below I’ve listed several considerations that really should be done every day, even if it just 15 or 20 minutes:

• Sit quietly by yourself and ponder and ask not only what decisions you are facing but more generally what direction your life should go.

• Meditate – Intuition is truly a sixth sense that meditation can help one develop.

• Notice how your intuitive decisions in the past have affected your life for the better.

• Escape from your daily routine. A vacation or retreat gives you more free time to develop your intuitive skills as well as evaluate your life and the direction it is heading.

• Spend time in nature. The more you can escape from ‘civilization’ the more you will be open to receiving impressions.  Nature has a grounding effect on us.

• Feel, don’t think (this is often one of the most difficult skill to develop).

• In a quiet environment engage in repetitive movement such as running, chopping vegetables, or knitting as this type of activity helps to calm the mind.

• Align with your values. Don’t neglect your core spiritual values.

• Practice sensing into people before you know them.

• Train your intuition. Some people are born with an innate intuition while most others need to continually practice.

True intuition should be our ultimate guide in not only influencing our decisions but ultimately the direction our life takes thus allowing us to fulfill our purposes in life.

Terry Pfau DO, HMD

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