(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Renae Haldeman BS OMD

Constipation: What does Accutane treatment for a teenager and the global tech outage have in common?

A teen came into Renaissance Health Centre to have acupuncture for her chronic constipation. A year previous she had undergone Accutane care for her acne. After having to go through regular blood draws to track her liver and kidney function while under this protocol due to the side effects and risks, this patient was utterly constipated by the end of the course of treatment. This constipation was quite uncomfortable for the patient due to the trouble with having only one or two bowel movements per week!

Acupuncture treatment began in the middle of summer for her. Many times teens have camps, family reunions, family vacations, and the like scheduled during the summer. This teen was no different. Not only did this patient have to go to a wilderness camp during the weeks of treatment, she soon met with a slew of cousins and family on the lake for the second week of treatment. The most difficult task was juggling the schedule to keep her treatment going while she was in the middle of a chaotic travel schedule. Five acupuncture treatments was all it took for this teen to overcome her bowel stoppage.

Back to the title question: What does Accutane treatment for a teenager and the global tech outage have in common? Sometimes we rely on 3rd  parties to get things done for us (Like CrowdStrike to keep computers safe or Accutane to clear acne). Oftentimes there are unforeseen consequences that can come from these actions.  When the consequences of our health decisions wreak havoc on our body – the right treatment can make all the difference in overcoming life’s unexpected challenges.

In the last 30 years at Renaissance Heath Centre we have never found the need to treat acne with Accutane. Acupuncture and homeopathy cures acne by treating the underlying cause.

Renae Haldeman BS, OMD

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