(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV


Yes, Women DO need Progesterone!

Many gynecologists assert that women don’t need progesterone if their uterus has been removed (hysterectomy).  They reason that progesterone is no longer needed to slough off the uterine lining (menstrual bleeding) when the uterus is gone. Unfortunately, because of this rationale, women have suffered from progesterone deficiency symptoms including weight gain, water retention, memory loss, …

Yes, Women DO need Progesterone! Read More »

Nutritional Myth: 3,500 Calories Translates to 1 lb of Body Weight

The prevailing belief that eliminating 3,500 calories from your diet will yield a body weight reduction of 1 lb. is not accurate.   The reason is that when individuals lose weight, the body compensates to prevent further weight loss and even promote regain. The 3.500 calorie rule would predict that an individual who consumes 100 fewer …

Nutritional Myth: 3,500 Calories Translates to 1 lb of Body Weight Read More »

Raw, Cooked, Steamed or Microwaved ? Fresh or Frozen?

Broccoli  is one of the most effective cancer-preventing vegetables there is, both because of its levels of Indole 3 carbinol and sulforaphane.   Several studies have been performed to determine what is the best way to eat this amazing vegetable without destroying these nutrients yet making them available for our bodies to digest. What scientists have …

Raw, Cooked, Steamed or Microwaved ? Fresh or Frozen? Read More »

The Danger of Cooking in a Microwave

Over 90% of American homes have microwave ovens used for meal preparation.  Because microwave ovens are so convenient and energy efficient compared to conventional oven, very few homes or restaurants are without them.  In general, people believe that whatever a microwave oven does to foods cooked in it doesn’t have any negative effects on the food. …

The Danger of Cooking in a Microwave Read More »

Pottenger’s Cats

Are we as healthy as we were 100 years ago? How about 50 years ago? Even 15 years ago? Currently the USA ranks 50th for life expectancy compared to other countries, and the projected lifespan of the next generation of Americans will be shorter than their parents.  Why do the citizens of the 6th wealthiest …

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Does High Dose IV Vitamin C Hinder the Effectiveness of Chemo or Radiation?

Six months ago an elderly woman with cancer was brought to our clinic by her concerned daughter.  She wanted to know what if anything I could offer.  We talked about diet, nutritional supplements, detoxing protocols and high dose IV vitamin C among other therapies.  After listening carefully she felt comfortable about the program but first …

Does High Dose IV Vitamin C Hinder the Effectiveness of Chemo or Radiation? Read More »

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