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Las Vegas, NV


homeopathic medicine

True Stories – the Healing Power of Homeopathy

In the silent corners of life’s battles, skepticism unfolds into unexpected healing. A 45-year educator and mother struggling with chronic fatigue, headaches, and sleeplessness discovers unexpected healing in homeopathy. Her journey with chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, and sleeplessness had left her exhausted physically and emotionally, which also hindered her from spending quality time with her …

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True Stories – How Acupuncture Transformed a Busy Mom’s Life

All she wanted to do was help her kids during concert season. But her chronic fatigue and excruciating leg pain were causing her to feel discouraged and worn down. When she walked up the stairs in her home, the 46-year-old mother of 3 felt like her quads were being ripped from her bones. How could …

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period cramps

True Stories- a Hidden Connection Between Gut Health, Acne and Painful Cramps

A 32-year-old woman with a lively and active demeanor came to our clinic complaining of severe premenstrual and menstrual symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles, irregular bowel movements, and cystic acne. Some of these ailments have plagued her since her early teens. During some months, the symptoms include heavy and debilitatingly painful periods that can last …

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Why Your Gallbladder Symptoms May Persist After Removal

First it is important to understand the function of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is an important organ related to digestive function in the body, working with the liver to ensure proper breakdown and absorption of fats. Its primary role is to concentrate and store bile created in the liver. It then releases bile into the …

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Woman with anxiety speaking with a doctor

A Solution For Back to School Anxiety

Since her early elementary school years, a young girl was emotionally and physically affected by the stress of going to school. So much so, that an autoimmune condition surfaced. Fast forward 10 years, she is still struggling with school, and graduation from high school is at risk. Her frequent headaches, loss of appetite, daily vomiting, …

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Treating Insomnia with Herbs and Acupuncture

Treating Insomnia With Acupuncture and Herbs

Have You Heard of The Yin/Yang Balance? Many are familiar with the TaiJi symbol which indicates the balance of not only physical properties but emotional properties as well. Yin is represented as, but not limited to, substances including mother’s milk, blood, sweat, saliva, and ejaculate. These aforementioned substances are key to the body’s ability to …

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Homeopathic Opium

Homeopathic Opium

In a prior blog, I related how homeopathic Opium can be used to reverse “post-op ilius” a condition in which the peristaltic action of the intestines shuts down due to bowel surgery and/or the use of morphine. With only one or two doses of a 200c Opium, the bowels begin to return to their normal …

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10 Reasons Your Should Practice Yoga

10 Reasons You Should Practice Yoga

HOW THE ULTIMATE MIND-BODY CONNECTION HEALS The word “yoga” means “to unite” or “to join.” The practice of yoga leads to the unity of individual consciousness with universal consciousness creating a harmony between the mind, body and nature. Yoga was created thousands of years ago, long before any religious belief systems were born. It is …

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Is Holistic Medicine More Effective AND Less Expensive?

Is Holistic Medicine More Effective AND Less Expensive?

Alternative Medicine Study Overview| Holistic Medicine A recent study sponsored by the government of Ireland concluded that alternative and complementary therapies not only offered significant health benefits for patients, but also saved the government-run health care system a significant amount of money. Patients involved in the study were referred by their local doctors typically when …

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