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Health Secrets

#3 Revealed Secret of Health from the 12th Century

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series Health Secrets From The 12th Century

HOW TO STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM NATURALLY Rabbi Mosche Ben Maimon was one of the most influential Jewish physicians and philosophers of the Persian Empire during the 12th century. Among his many notable contributions to the realm of medicine is a series of eight ancient “secrets” pertaining to the maintenance of overall health. His third …

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#2 Revealed Secret of Health From the 12th Century, Part 1

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series Health Secrets From The 12th Century

“If a person cares for himself the way he cares for his horse there would be no serious illnesses.  He makes sure his animal gets proper exercise to keep healthy.  When it comes to himself he neglects exercise even though it is a fundamental principal to health maintenance and the prevention of most illnesses.” PREVENTING …

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Health Secrets

#1 Revealed Secret of Health From the 12th Century

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Health Secrets From The 12th Century

MAIMONIDES’ FIRST HEALTH SECRET REVEALED “If a person cares for himself the way he cares for his horse, there would be no serious illnesses.You do not find anyone who gives his horse too much fodder. He measures out only as much as the horse can tolerate while he himself eats to excess.  He makes sure …

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