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Las Vegas, NV

Phytoestrogen Benefits

The French Food Safety Agency has assessed the safety and health benefits of phytoestrogens. The term “phytoestrogens” refers to several molecules from the plant world that, although they have different structures, all show similarities to the structure of estradiol. Their study found the following: -Phytoestrogens may have a limited effect on osteoporosis and the loss …

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The End of Homeopathy

Last August , the British medical journal The Lancet proclaimed “The End of Homeopathy” in its lead editorial , based on a new analysis of earlier studies comparing homeopathy and conventional medicine to the use of placebos. The analysis on eight placebo-controlled trials with homeopathy and six with conventional medicine, reported that homeopathy appears to …

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Last month our family was involved in a motor vehicle accident in which a car ran a stop sign going 50 mph and t-boned our car dead center. If it were not for the side curtain air bags I fear my wife and son who were sitting on the side of impact would have sustained …

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Silence of the Quackwatchers

The American College of Chest Physicians announced in January that over-the-counter cough syrups generally contain drugs in too low a dose to be effective or they contain combinations of drugs never known to treat coughs. Columnist Julie Deardorff of the Chicago Tribune, Jan22, 2006 notes that the “quack-watchers” -various internet watchdog groups like “Quackwatch”, “Homeowatch,” …

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When Children Eat What They Watch

In the early 1950’s there was ample prime-time, family-centered programming with no advertisements. In fact, 85 children’s programs were televised per week and almost half of these programs were commercial-free. Obviously, that has changed. The average US child now sees more than 40,000 television commercials per year. During Saturday morning cartoons, children view an average …

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Does Renaissance use Anibiotics in treatments?

Two reports in the scientific literature (Annals of Internal 5 Medicine, Sept. 1993, and Reports from the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science March 1994 ) bring attention to the possibility that microbial strains are evolving that are resistant to all presently known antibiotics. Dr. Alexander Tomasz of Rockefeller University …

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Hold The Antibiotics

More and more physicians are holding off on antibiotics for kids’ ear infections. This is based on numerous studies that have shown that 80% of otherwise healthy kids with acute otitis media get better without antibiotics. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests “watchful waiting” for 2-3 days to see if the ear infection does not …

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