(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Dr. Terry Pfau DO, HMD

Dr. Pfau is licensed in Nevada to practice both general medicine, as well as homeopathy. READ FULL BIO


Favorable Spin

Lots of drug study results are being disseminated with a favorable spin. Presenting the SAME results in different ways using different statistical methods actually, affects prescribing. For example, physicians are more likely to prescribe Simvastatin when told it reduces mortality by 30% instead of saying it improves survival from 88.5% to 91.8%. But these are …

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Blister Prevention

When the weather begins to warm in the springtime people have a renewed desire to get out in nature and walk. One problem that is often encountered is blistering of the feet. Studies have indicated that it is the rubbing of moist skin that most predisposes to blister formation. So to help prevent this wear …

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