(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Renae Haldeman BS OMD

An Ancient Practice Cures Modern Ailment: Fatigue

Acupuncture, a practice known to be in use  at least 3,000 years, has many practical applications. Our modern, fast-paced world that is frequently driven by lifestyle can exact a heavy toll on our health.

How can we keep up when fatigue influences us with a tremendous weight? Whether emotional, mental, or physical, fatigue is most assuredly highly prevalent in life today. How can we effectuate the ancient practice of acupuncture to help cure this modern plague of  fatigue?

There are several mechanisms of acupuncture, which have logical health rewards. Acupuncture activates and balances the body’s qi or energy flow resulting in a more restful sleep.  It also mitigates how we respond to our stressful environment.   The balancing of one’s qi affects our  hormonal balance, triggers release of endorphin, augments blood flow, and the body’s overall natural flow of energy.

A young mother, trying to become pregnant visited our office to help support the body in fertility and energy. Due to stress of going through IVF and general exercise fatigue, the patient reported approximately 50-60% energy level on a regular basis. She began having constipation issues after her more recent round of IVF. After just two acupuncture treatments her energy level ranged from 80-90% on a regular basis.

Whether your fatigue is due to stress from fertility treatment, stress from work, or insomnia, acupuncture should be your first line of defense in treating this contemporary ailment.

Renae Haldeman BS, OMD

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