(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Woman with anxiety speaking with a doctor

A Solution For Back to School Anxiety

Since her early elementary school years, a young girl was emotionally and physically affected by the stress of going to school. So much so, that an autoimmune condition surfaced. Fast forward 10 years, she is still struggling with school, and graduation from high school is at risk. Her frequent headaches, loss of appetite, daily vomiting, and diarrhea were all triggered by getting ready for school. How can any person feel confident with educational achievements with these daily physical and emotional symptoms?

This cyclical state of flight or fight mode is tough for any individual to bear. The options before her were to either quit school and give up hope for her primary education diploma, or try acupuncture. After just four acupuncture visits, the stomach rebelliousness and anxiety levels decreased dramatically. Her acupuncture treatments stopped the more superficial symptoms diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. We continued to work toward the main issue of balancing the brain and helping to regulate the somatic dysfunction of the nervous system causing anxiety. With few acupuncture sessions, this young woman is able to dare to dream about her future and all that it holds for her. No more school anxiety!

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