(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Victoria Simons, OMD


Dr. Simons specializes in helping people overcome health-related problems due to stress, anxiety, depression, pain, auto-immune conditions and life-cycle changes.

As a high producing executive with a number of stress-related health issues, she received neither answers nor relief after many lab tests and medical exams. Deciding to stop the cycle, Dr. Simons returned to graduate school to learn this ancient medicine that produces results in our modern lifestyle.

She has helped hundreds of patients get relief from insomnia, autoimmune disorders, back, knee, shoulder & joint pain, asthma, arthritis, heart palpitations and shortness of breath, dizziness, diarrhea and constipation, stomach pain, migraines, ADHD, anxiety, addiction and more.

Many of her patients work in high stress careers, which tend to contribute to autoimmune disorders and other chronic conditions. She understands the pressures of this lifestyle and can bridge the gap between ancient philosophy and the high demand of our fast-paced culture.

While there are many ways to practice Oriental medicine, Dr. Simons has found the greatest results using Korean Sasang Medicine & Master Tung theories. Sasang Medicine harmonizes yin and yang nature according to individual body types and environment.  It is highly effective in treating chronic illnesses by healing each individual from within. Master Tung theory utilizes key points on the body to remove "stuck energy", which is highly effective in eliminating pain.

Dr. Simons holds a Bachelors of Business Administration (BA) in Marketing and a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM). She is a Board Certified Diplomat of Oriental Medicine (Dipl. OM) with the National Certification Commission in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), and is licensed as an Oriental Medical Doctor (OMD) in the state of Nevada. In 2022, she went on a Medical Mission Trip to the 

She spends time with her husband and two rescue dogs, and enjoys friends, family, meditation and being in nature. She and her husband often travel to California to see their daughter, son-in-law and two grandbabies.

The path to great health is not a road leading somewhere else, but a road bringing us back to ourselves. This is the theory of Korean Sasang medicine, and it is an honor to share it.

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