(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV


Time To Clear The Air

In Nevada come election time the public will have the opportunity to voice their opinion on whether to ban smoking in public places. Today when I was getting my car washed at Terrible’s I noticed all the workers wearing T-shirts supporting proposition 4 but encouraging people to vote no on proposition 5.
Proposition 5 would eliminate smoking in bars plus other public places listed in proposition 4.
In my opinion smoking should be banned in any public work place including casinos. Unfortunately for casino workers casinos are not affected by the present legislation.
Eliminating smoke from the work environment can only result in better health. When California banned smoking in bars and taverns in 1998 a study found that bartenders experienced less respiratory symptoms (cough, wheeze, and shortness of breath) and pulmonary function also improved. Studies in other smoke-free countries found a reduction in myocardial infarction with workers.
Tomorrow I will explain why arguments against a smoke-free work place do not hold water.

Terry Pfau, DO, HMD

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