(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV


Prolozone is derived from the word ozone and the Latin word “proli” which means to regenerate or re-build. The treatment causes the proliferation (growth, formation) of new ligament tissue in areas where it has become weak.

Ligaments are the structural “rubber bands” that hold bones to bones in joints – acting like the body’s shock absorbers. Ligaments can become weak or injured and may not heal back to their original strength or endurance. This is largely because the blood supply to ligaments is limited, and therefore healing is slow and not always complete. To further complicate this, ligaments also have many nerve endings, and therefore the person will feel pain at the areas where the ligaments are damaged or loose.

We can compare the ligaments of our joints to the hinges on a door. Until the hinge is fixed the door just isn’t going to open or close right and it’s the same exact story with our joints. If we are athletic or if we are just getting older there is some gradual and natural degeneration of the moving parts of the body due to ongoing recurrent mechanical stress, and failure of tissues to repair. This results in laxity and more abnormal mechanical stress and shearing forces on the joint resulting in pain.

Prolozone causes repair and tightening of the lax structures, partially torn connective tissue and ligaments.

Conditions commonly treated with Prolozone Therapy include:

  • Weakened joints from prior injury
  • Chronic neck and back painRotator cuff injuries
  • Degenerative and arthritic hips and knees (hips are more difficult and less responsive)
  • Degenerative/herniated discs (not for an acute herniation)
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Tennis elbow
  • Non healing fractures
  • Sports injuries

How Prolotherapy, Prolozone, and PRP Therapies Are Different

“Prolo” derives from the Greek root word proliferation, which means “to regenerate”.

Prolotherapy: Prolotherapy, also known as regenerative therapy, has been used for more than 40 years as an injection technique to stimulate the body’s natural healing response. Irritative solutions such as glucose are injected in multiple areas in and around the injured joint or body part to stimulate the body to respond through inflammation, which brings new blood cells, nutrients, and the body’s healing response. Injections can be painful and might cause swelling. This pain and swelling must not be treated with anti-inflammatory medicine, as this may interfere with the body’s response to the injection.

Prolozone Therapy: Injection of ozone O3 (oxygen is O2) into painful areas to stimulate the body’s healing response. This treatment is similar to prolotherapy, but is less painful and fewer areas on the body are injected. A Prolozone injection contains ozone, which is believed to bypass the inflammatory response and directly stimulate a healing response without triggering inflammation. Anti-inflammatory medications are permitted as necessary following injection.

Platelet Rich Plasma: PRP is a technique that uses a solution derived from the patient’s own blood sample, injecting it into an injured area to stimulate healing and repair. Platelet rich plasma is derived from a normal blood sample that is spun in a centrifuge. This concentrated plasma contains powerful healing properties and is rich in growth factors. These naturally-occurring growth factors in the PRP are very similar to undifferentiated cells, also known as stem cells. Injection of PRP is thought to hasten recovery and healing from chronic injuries. Xosomes can be added to the PRP to stimulate and even greater healing response.

Alternative to stimulate healing x x x
Course of Therapy 2-10 2-10 1-3
Number of injections per session Multiple 1-2 1-2
Injection additives Glucose solution to cause inflammation Ozone and anesthetic Blood product and anesthetic
Acute injury no yes yes
Chronic injury yes yes yes
Need to avoid anti-inflammatories after injection yes no no
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