(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

In living systems oxygen (as O2) is transported by hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. This is a highly efficient way of conducting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body and insuring it does not react with anything along the way

In bio-oxidative medicine, oxygen is introduced directly into the body as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) . The chemical reaction which occurs in the body looks like this:

H2O2 > coverts to > H2O +O-

This is chemical shorthand to indicate that in the body, hydrogen peroxide is converted to water and singlet oxygen. This singlet oxygen located at the end of this reaction is a powerful oxidizing agent. It is the active agent in hydrogen peroxide therapy.

In IV H2O2 therapy, hydrogen peroxide is infused into the circulatory system through a vein in the arm. It drips in over ninety-minute period. The effect of singlet oxygen in the human body is twofold. It kills, or severely inhibits the growth of, anaerobic organisms (bacteria and viruses that use carbon dioxide for fuel and leave oxygen as a by-product). This action is immediate, on contact with the anaerobic organism. Anaerobic bacteria are pathogens, the organisms which cause disease. All viruses are anaerobic.

The second effect of hydrogen peroxide is that it provides singlet oxygen, which, in turn, transforms biological waste products and industrial toxins into inert substances by oxidizing them. This makes them easy to handle for the kidneys and liver. It doubles the rate of enzymatic metabolism in the mitochondria within each cell, thus enabling the body to cleanse itself of toxins and still have plenty of energy to handle the business of living from moment to moment. This increases in metabolism probably accounts for some of the antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects of hydrogen peroxide.

Conditions which can be treated with H2O2 include those conditions which can be treated with antibiotic, but without the serious toxicity often associated with laboratory produced synthetic antibiotics. Some of these conditions are candidiasis (yeast), viral infections, influenza, the common cold, sinus infection, and gangrene.

Hydrogen peroxide also has been found to dissolve cholesterol and calcium deposits associated with artherosclerosis. This can result in lessening or disappearance of angina, leg pain and transient ischemic attacks to the brain, which cause dizziness. It also can help reverse some of the damage left over by a stroke, if treatment is instituted early enough.

It also clears the lungs, in cases of emphysema, by producing oxygen bubbles in the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs), literally lifting the mucous deposits up, so they can be coughed out. It is also effective with asthma and arthritis.



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