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Las Vegas, NV

Osteoporosis in bones

Tips for Preventing Osteoporosis

There are many natural treatments for preventing osteoporosis. The following are methods I recommend to patients in order to maintain healthy and strong bones:

  1. Vitamin D3 is known as the sunshine vitamin. Studies have shown that when fair skinned adults  wearing a bathing suit are exposed to an amount of sunlight for approximately 20 minutes that results in  a slight pinkness to the skin it is equivalent to taking about 20,000 IU of Vitamin D. This occurs at the latitude of Florida. The further north one goes the less vitamin D is formed. Sun screen blocks  vitamin D production by 97-100%. Vitamin D stimulates calcium absorption from our small intestines and bones and increases reabsorption of calcium by the kidneys. As an aside, researchers have found that higher levels of Vitamin D on diagnosis of cancer are associated with significantly better survival and remission rates. Dosing is based on keeping one’s Vitamin D levels, and the ideal level is between .50 -75

Dose: D3 1,000-5,000 IU per day for most patients

  1. Vitamin K: Vitamin D helps you absorb the calcium and vitamin K gets it into the bones.  Only MK4 and MK7 has been shown to promote healthy bone density and reduce fractures. Studies have shown MK4 will reduce fractures in women with existing osteoporosis.  This vitamin is also beneficial for those on androgen and estrogen deprivation therapy. It can also help with bone pain caused by fracture and speeds the healing process.  K-vitamins.com is a great website if you’re interested in learning more about vitamin K.r

Dose:  MK4 45mg/day  

  1. Strontium citrate is a mineral which definitely reduces fractures, but must be taken well away from calcium supplements, as they compete for absorption. Always give vitamin K2 with strontium to reduce clotting risk. Strontium now carries a warning of possible increase in stroke risk due to studies on a drug version called strontium ranelate. I do not believe it is a risk to take strontium citrate, but some prominent doctors disagree. Some skeptics also say that bone density scans may appear to be twice as dense as they really are. I repeat, the above reduces fracture, safely, in my decades of experience.

Dose:  340mg, 2 tabs at bedtime daily taken away from any calcium supplements

  1. Bio-identical hormones. Numerous studies and my own clinical practice has demonstrated hormones invaluable in preventing bone loss. Even more amazing is that it will reverse osteopenia and osteoporosis. These bio-identical hormones are made from wild yam and are identical to the hormones naturally found in women’s Estradiol/estriol (biest) progesterone, testosterone and DHEA. When given in doses to restore healthy levels they not only help with bone loss, but also helps to restore youthfulness and vitality.

Dose:   The dose is individualized to each patient based on lab values and patients symptoms.

  1. Weight bearing exercise is very important in getting calcium into the bones. Exercise programs  found on Youtube such as “Osteostrong” or “Perfect Workout” [aka ‘Super Heavy / Super Slow’ work out programs]  are very good. Also, just walking 7000-7500 steps per day is associated with 50-70% reduction in all cause mortality due to osteoporosis.

Dose: Daily exercise and movement

  1. Diet: a Mediterranean diet will reduce hip fracture by  20%. Protein (plant and lean meat) intake is very important as it prevents muscle loss and bone loss. Calcium should be from plant sources, not from supplementation.

Certain Medications are also linked to osteoporosis. The following can cause osteoporosis:

Acid-blockers (PPI)

Androgen-deprivation therapy

Antidepressants (SSRI, SNRI, Tricyclics) 65% increase in risk of fracture


Antipsychotics, atypical

Aromatase inhibitors


Steroids (oral and inhaled)





Radiation therapy

Selective estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs)

Tamoxifen (pre-menopausal)


Terry Pfau DO, HMD

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