(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

DR Dhaani Renaissance Med x

Homeopathy for Morning Sickness

Is the joy of your pregnancy being interrupted by constant waves of nausea and queasiness?

What is Morning Sickness?

Most pregnant women experience morning sickness during the first trimester. Despite the name, it can happen at any time of day and ranges from mild nausea to severe vomiting. Hormonal changes, heightened sensitivity to smells, and an empty stomach can all contribute to the symptoms.

Symptoms: Nausea (often worse in the morning), vomiting, sensitivity to odors, fatigue, dizziness.

Homeopathic Remedies for Morning SicknessNux Vomica: Great for nausea worsened by food or smells, particularly in the morning or after eating. Sepia: For exhaustion and irritability, with an aversion to food but a craving for sour or spicy things. Ipecacuanha: For continuous nausea that doesn’t improve even after vomiting. Pulsatilla: Helps when nausea worsens in the evening, with a desire for fresh air. Tabacum: Best for intense nausea with dizziness, particularly relieved by fresh air or if the sight of food triggers nausea. Colchicum: Ideal when the smell of food, especially meat or eggs, provokes extreme nausea and vomiting. Kreosotum: For nausea and vomiting of undigested food, especially when aggravated by movement or motion sickness. Asarum: Perfect for nausea accompanied by sensitivity to noise or touch, especially in those feeling highly irritable and nervous.

Begin with 30C potency dosing 4-5 granules every 3-8 hrs depending on severity of symptoms.  If not responding to these homeopathic treatments  consult with one of our health care providers

Home Remedies:

Ginger Tea: Ginger is known to calm nausea; sipping ginger tea throughout the day can help. Small, Frequent Meals: Eat small amounts of bland foods like crackers or toast to prevent nausea caused by an empty stomach. Stay Hydrated: Drinking water or electrolyte beverages in small sips helps prevent dehydration from vomiting.

Dr. Fnu Dhaani  MD (Hom), MPH, APH, RS Hom (NA)

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