(702) 258-7860

Las Vegas, NV

DR Dhaani Renaissance Med x

Homeopathy for Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) affects many women and young girls, bringing mood swings, irritability, bloating, headaches, and fatigue before menstruation. Homeopathy can easily manage and help ease discomfort in the PMS.

What are Homeopathic Treatments for PMS?

Homeopathy is a safe and effective approach. It offers remedies that effectively manage PMS, providing a solution for your health concerns. Homeopathy recognizes that each woman’s experience with PMS is unique. This individualized approach ensures that your specific symptoms are understood and addressed. For instance, Sepia is beneficial for women feeling irritable, fatigued, and experiencing a dragging sensation in the lower abdomen, especially if there’s emotional indifference. Pulsatilla works well for those with mood swings and weepiness, where symptoms improve with fresh air or gentle movement. Lachesis helps with hot flashes, irritability, and a sensation of constriction around the chest and abdomen. Nux Vomica is effective for irritability, sensitivity to noise and light, and symptoms exacerbated by stress and overindulgence.

Cell salts can also offer relief. Nat Mur helps manage water retention, bloating, and headaches associated with PMS. Calc Phos is helpful for fatigue and overall weakness, while Kali Phos supports mental and emotional stress, improving mood and energy levels.

Dosing and Potency of Homeopathic Remedies

We recommend starting with a 30C potency, take 1-2 doses daily, and adjust based on symptom relief. For the cell salts, take 4 granules 3-4 times daily during symptoms. If symptoms persist or worsen, consider seeking professional advice.

Other Natural Remedies for PMS

There are other remedies that you can use at home to relieve symptoms. Home care tips for PMS include applying a warm compress or heating pad to the abdomen to relieve bloating and cramps. Adjusting your diet to reduce salty and sugary foods and increasing water intake can help manage bloating. Regular light exercise, such as walking or yoga, can alleviate tension, and herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint can soothe symptoms and improve relaxation.



Dr  Dnu  Dhanni  MD (HOM), APH

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